

I had heard of such services as yours a couple of years ago and thought it a great idea. It took a little while to take the plunge, but I would say I/we had finally had enough of the expensive crap on offer at the supermarkets. We have been thrilled with the service and the variety of the boxes. I particularly like the interest that is generated in me when faced with veges I wouldn't ordinarily buy. The recipes included help too. I love having a large supply of organic fruit that the kids can just help themselves to without having to worry about washing it. Having grown up on a farm, I applaud this return to eating seasonal fruit and veg. Each week we all look forward to what's in the box. I do love the delivery to the door and the way you help us taylor our box so the contents best suit our needs. Thanks again for a fabulous service.
Hamilton Hill............................
Just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your wonderful service. The quality of the fruit and veg is unbeatable and it feels very good to be eating local seasonal produce. Together with the beautiful organic eggs that I get from you also I am always able to throw together a meal without leaving the house- a bonus when I have 2 small children to drag around everywhere. We are definitely eating more and greater variety of fruit and veg in our house as we strive to finish our supplies ready for the next delivery. The kids absolutely love Wednesdays when they know there will be lots of new toys to deliver in their truck (aka the cardboard box) which has led to lots of positive associations with fruit and veg (and no small amount of bruised fruit). The fact that you deliver in a cardboard box with no further packaging is a huge relief to me as I am always on my guard against using packaging and in this way I am able to avoid it without ány effort. I also look forward to the leaflet included with relevant and helpful news and recipes. There are so many reasons that I love your service, these are just a few and I commend you for getting the project off the ground and sticking with it when I am sure it is filled with many challenges relative to the financial reward. Thanks so much.
North Fremantle
We want to take this opportunity to thank and congratulate you on the fantastic work at the Organic Collective. The day our box is delievered is a great day of the week! Fresh fruit and vegetables sourced, packed and delivered to our door by friendly and helpful people. It feels so good to be using an ethical service but also we get our essential fruit and veg, convienient and delicious - everybody, and the environment is winning. When we lived in the UK we used a similar service and found we really enjoyed the way it put us in touch with eating seasonally, now in Cockburn we find the same pleasure. Especially for our children, living in the city, we really appreciate their learning, through the box, of what's in season. Keep up the great work
Hamilton Hill............
My fiancee and I started our "weekly organic veg box" some time ago. The original intention was to do something good for our health and our environment. However we both agree we would stay with our organic vegetables for taste alone. Tonight Gen had made some delicious organic avocado dip for starters. Then for dinner we had some free range chicken with organic corn and tomato salsa along with delicious steamed organic carrot and beans. You do a great job. You always remember me on the phone. Are happy to hold off on the oranges when my tree is fruiting. I love that you refill our laundry liquid bottle and recycle the boxes. Above all thank you for the good old fashioned friendly service. I crave this rare commodity. So thank you for supplying us. We appreciate the effort you go to and keep up the great work!
I have been a client of the Organic Collective for approximately 8 months- and I have gotten about 8 other couples and families to join during that time- because I have been so impressed and happy with the products and the service.
What I love about the Organic Collective is that each week I receive an abundant box of healthy, fresh, organic produce which has been locally grown, in season and delivered to me with minimal environmental impact.
In particular, the features of the Organic Collective which I value are that:
1. it is a sustainable and environmentally friendly company, which believes in old school values and real service from real people;
2. value for money (rare in the organic industry!);
3. quality produce- which runs rings around the produce in the shops in terms of size, quality and flavour;
4. healthy and organic;
5. it is delivered to my door- which means no heavy shopping to lug home and driving around;
6. locally grown and in season produce- which means its healthier (arguably) and also doesn't contribute to carbon emissions by travelling halfway around the world; and
7. surprise! You never know what you are going to get- which also expands my cooking a lot. In the past 8 months I have used beetroot, silverbeet, bok choi, sweet potato, etc- veg which I would not usually buy; and
8. finally, receiving an abundance of fresh fruit and veg (pre-paid) each week forces you to increase your intake of fruit and veg rather than other foods to prevent it going to waste. This means a healthier and happier me!
Thanks again and keep up the great work!
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