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Asparagus and Witlof Salad with Vino Cotto Dressing

Witlof is a variety of salad green that is good raw or cooked. With a crispy texture and delicate, slightly bitter flavour. Witlof is good in salads or cooked in vegetable dishes.


1 large orange
olive oil
1 bunch of asparagus
4 table spoons olive oil,
2 tablespoons vino cotto
Sea salt to taste.


Peel and wedge one large orange toss in olive oil and then grill until caramelised.
Pull witlof apart and place in a bowl. Poach one bunch of asparagus in boiling salty water in a pan.
When bright green remove asparagus and water and melt butter in the pan.

Add 4 table spoons olive oil, 2 tablespoons vino cotto and sea salt to taste.
Place all ingredients in a bowl and serve immediately.

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