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Cauliflower & Broccoli Tart

Quick and easy!


1 3/4 (200g) spelt flour
1/3 cup (80g) chilled Butter
1 Pinch Coarse Salt
1 tsp Vinegar
1 tbs Vegie stock granules
1/2 tsp Salt
Black Pepper
1 tsp Soy Sauce
100g grated cheese

1 Small Cauliflower
500g Broccoli
2 eggs
1-1/4 cups (250ml)Sour cream


To make pastry Mix flour, butter, salt, Vinegar and 4 Tablespoons of water knead until it forms a ball – chill for 30 Minutes.

Roll out dough on a floured surface. Butter a round cake pan about 28 cm in diameter & line with the pastry.
Break the cauliflower & broccoli into florets and steam. Allow to cool and arrange on top of pastry. Beat together the eggs, cream, and herbs and pour over the vegies sprinkle with cheese and bake in the oven for 40 minutes.

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